WTF Code Details
WTF Code
5 Styles
- AA
- BB
- CC
- DD
- EE
- FF
- GG
- HH
- II
- JJ
- KK
- LL
- MM
- NN
- OO
- PP
- RR
- SS
- TT
- UU
- VV
- WW
- XX
- YY
- ZZ
- 00
- 11
- 22
- 33
- 44
- 55
- 66
- 77
- 88
- 99
- ..
- ,,
- ::
- ;;
- !!
- ??
- //
- --
- ==
- AA
- BB
- CC
- DD
- EE
- FF
- GG
- HH
- II
- JJ
- KK
- LL
- MM
- NN
- OO
- PP
- RR
- SS
- TT
- UU
- VV
- WW
- XX
- YY
- ZZ
- 00
- 11
- 22
- 33
- 44
- 55
- 66
- 77
- 88
- 99
- AA
- BB
- CC
- DD
- EE
- FF
- GG
- HH
- II
- JJ
- KK
- LL
- MM
- NN
- OO
- PP
- RR
- SS
- TT
- UU
- VV
- WW
- XX
- YY
- ZZ
- ÂÂ
- ÀÀ
- ÇÇ
- ÉÉ
- ÊÊ
- ËË
- ÈÈ
- ÎÎ
- ÏÏ
- ÔÔ
- ŒŒ
- ÛÛ
- ÜÜ
- ÙÙ
- 00
- 11
- 22
- 33
- 44
- 55
- 66
- 77
- 88
- 99
- ..
- ,,
- ::
- ;;
- !!
- ??
- **
George Bickham published the calligraphic works of 25 English masters in a series known as the Universal Penman. The masters showcase a number of writing styles, English Roundhand being the most predominant in the collection. The pages were meant to instruct the reader on proper form and while they occasionally show off, most letterforms stick to a small core set. Workhorse Script is a celebration of that concept: a comprehensive reproduction of the core components of English Roundhand script.
Most script typefaces are poor substitutes for their carefully hand-lettered sources, losing most or all of the finesse of the different letter shapes connecting and dancing around each other. In designing Workhorse Script almost every lowercase letter required duplicate variants to connect to other letters (for instance there are 4 different lowercase n’s).
8 Styles:
Dot Morse Code, Mountain Morse Code, Phonetic Morse Code, Classic Morse Code, Mitosis Morse Code, Bar Code, Postal Code, Braille Code, Binary Code
Designed in 2021 by Adrian Kimball